Alia Bhatt graced the Koffee With Karan 8 stage, bubbling with enthusiasm as she delved into anecdotes about her one-year-old daughter, Raha Kapoor. The spirited actress recounted a heartwarming episode from Raha’s initial playdate with Jeh, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s youngest son, whom Alia affectionately admires. Amidst her revelation about the friendly rivalry between her and Ranbir Kapoor to spend more time with Raha, Bebo playfully suggested that Alia should consider having another child akin to herself. Alia, in turn, shared endearing details about Jeh’s reaction during a play date at his home.
In a cheerful recounting, Alia described the playdate, highlighting Jeh’s joy in hosting Raha. She shared how Jeh generously offered his toys to Raha, only to playfully retrieve them later—a scenario many can relate to. Alia disclosed that Saif intervened, advising Jeh against the toy-giving-and-taking-back routine. Kareena, in her characteristic style, referred to her youngest son as Jeh Toofan Mail, a nickname reminiscent of her own childhood moniker given by her mother.
Kareena contrasted her two sons, noting that while Tim mirrors Saif’s calm demeanor, Jeh is a whirlwind of energy, turning their household upside down. The chaos Jeh brings resonates with the experiences of many second-borns. The episode featuring Alia and Kareena was lighthearted and entertaining. Despite the reputation of Karan Johar’s show for stirring controversies, Alia managed to navigate the conversation about Ranbir Kapoor without sparking any issues—an ironic twist considering the show’s history.