Mumbai, June 30, 2024: Today, the much-anticipated poster of “DHARMAVEER 2” was unveiled at the esteemed Varsha Bungalow, Malabar Hills, the residence of the Honourable Chief Minister Shri Eknath Shinde Ji. The event saw the presence of the Honourable Chief Minister Shri Eknath Shinde Ji who unveiled the poster of the film DHARMAVEER 2 along with acclaimed actor and chief guest Bobby Deol, alongside the film’s cast and crew – Actor Prasad Oak, actor Kshitish Date, Director Pravin Tarde, Producer Mangesh Desai of Saahil Motion Arts, Bavesh Janavlekar – Chief channel officer – Marathi movies and Marathi Head Zee Studios, and Umesh Kr Bansal – CBO, Zee Studios.
Dharmaveer Anand Dighe Saheb, the legendary figure who remains an enduring inspiration across India, is celebrated in this sequel. Known as a millionaire without a bank account, his legacy as a dynamic leader and mentor continues to resonate, especially in Maharashtra.
The first installment, “Dharmaveer,” was a blockbuster in 2022, and “DHARMAVEER 2” aims to surpass its success. The appeal of Bobby Deol’s rugged look in “Animal” and the popular bearded style inspired by Dighe Saheb and the honourable Chief Minister Shri Eknath Shinde Ji are trending in Maharashtra, adding to the film’s allure.
Reflecting on the significance of this moment, Honourable Chief Minister Shri Eknath Shinde Ji stated, “Dharmaveer Anand Dighe Saheb’s legacy continues to inspire us all. This film is a tribute to his spirit and vision.”
Actor Bobby Deol, reminiscing about his journey, mentioned, “I am honoured to be part of today’s poster launch for ‘DHARMAVEER 2’. I wish everyone involved with the film the very best and I hope that it is watched and enjoyed by a wide mass audience. My Best wishes to the honourable Chief Minister Shri Eknath Shinde ji”.
As anticipation builds, “DHARMAVEER 2” is poised to capture the hearts of audiences, carrying forward the legacy of a true hero.