Following in the footsteps of Deepika Padukone, Urvashi Rautela has officially become a part of the “Looking Like a Wow” trend, joining the likes of Malaika Arora and KL Rahul. Urvashi recently caused quite a stir on the internet with a captivating Instagram video from the set of her upcoming movie. In the video, she effortlessly channels a desi kudi look and leaves viewers in awe.
The “Looking Like a Wow” trend has been taking social media by storm as celebrities showcase their impeccable fashion sense in various scenarios, proving that they can look stunning even in unexpected situations. Urvashi’s behind-the-scenes video, filmed on the set of her upcoming movie, features her in traditional Indian attire, exuding grace and charm. This sneak peek into her desi kudi look had us all saying “Wow.”
Urvashi adorns a white cotton kurta with green embellishments, complemented by a vibrant silk scarf. Her makeup is minimal, her long tresses are half-tied, left to cascade in loose curls, and she wears modest earrings and a watch, radiating elegance. Urvashi effortlessly embodies the essence of a diva, showcasing her ability to seamlessly transition between different styles, reaffirming her status as an actress and style icon.
When Urvashi shared the video, she invited her fans to caption it, and her admirers flooded the comments with love and appreciation. One comment read, “Expressions Queen🤯❤️🔥,” while another exclaimed, “So beautiful. So elegant, just looking like a wow that suits you, mam.”
As Urvashi gracefully embraces the “Looking Like a Wow” trend, she continues to be a source of inspiration for her fans and sets new standards for fashion in the entertainment industry.