Renowned actor Paresh Rawal, widely known as Babu Bhaiya, has shared intriguing details about the highly anticipated comedies Welcome 3 and Hera Pheri 3. Fans are eagerly awaiting these films, especially Hera Pheri 3, as it marks the return of the beloved cult franchise after nearly a decade.
In a recent conversation with an entertainment news portal, Paresh Rawal provided insights into the filming and release plans for both projects. Starting with Welcome 3, Rawal disclosed that the ensemble cast is set to commence shooting by the end of this year. Additionally, he hinted at a potential May or June release in the following year, heightening expectations for a unique cinematic experience.
Turning the spotlight onto Hera Pheri 3, Rawal revealed that filming is slated to begin next year, with a tentative release expected towards the end of 2024. Acknowledging the magnitude of both films, Rawal expressed his excitement about reprising his iconic role as Babu Bhaiya alongside Suniel Shetty as Shyam and Akshay Kumar as Raju. Kartik Aaryan is set to join the cast, dispelling earlier rumors of replacing Akshay Kumar, who remains an integral part of the project.
Rawal also touched upon the lukewarm response to Hungama 2 and discussed the potential for a sequel, Hungama 3. Reflecting on the second installment, he acknowledged its shortcomings and emphasized the necessity of a compelling story for the next chapter. Rawal emphasized that a successful sequel requires more than just capitalizing on the popularity of its predecessor.
As fans eagerly await these comedic masterpieces, Paresh Rawal’s updates have added to the anticipation, promising a delightful cinematic experience with Welcome 3 and the long-awaited return of Hera Pheri 3.