This week’s major OTT release, “Bhakshak” on Netflix, has captivated viewers with its investigative thriller narrative. The storyline revolves around real-life incidents that occurred in a shelter home for girls in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Bhumi Pednekar takes on the role of a determined journalist committed to uncovering the truth, marking her return to portraying small-town characters after a brief hiatus. The film, directed by Pulkit and produced by Red Chilies Entertainment, has garnered positive reviews on various social media platforms.
The Muzaffarpur Case, which shocked the nation, serves as the backdrop for the film. The medical examination of the victims confirmed the sexual abuse of approximately 34 girls. Bihar MLA Brajesh Thakur was sentenced to life imprisonment in connection with the case. Aditya Srivastava, known for his role in CID, portrays Bansi Sahu, the owner of the shelter home, in the movie.
Take a look at the trailer video of Bhakshak
Audience Applauds Performances and Direction
in “Bhakshak,” along with appreciating the skillful direction. Social media is abuzz with positive reactions, showcasing the film’s impactful storytelling.
Early reviews indicate a favorable response to “Bhakshak,” emphasizing the appreciation for films with strong social messages. The talented Bhumi Pednekar, in particular, is receiving commendation for her portrayal in the film, marking another success for the actress.